Is it about Jesus or is it about the conference, itself? These are the things I think, and the questions, I ask on a daily basis. People are hungry and need to hear the Living Word. Not eat of all the catered food on finely adorned tables in the house of God. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong, with being able to make your guests feel welcomed, and provide for their physical, as well as their, spiritual needs. I'm not saying that.
What I am saying is, it's not all about the glitz and glam, the finery and fancery. The hats and the shoes. The dresses and the suits. It's about Jesus. The Living Word who was made flesh. And, I'm finding out, that too often, that it's becoming less and less about Him, and more and more about other things. I too, want to go where signs, miracles, and wonders follow. The Bible says, "and these will be the signs that follow them that believe!"
For those of you who read my first post, “Why Not Just Impeach God?" PART 1, you know that the matter of unnatural families and relationships, seemed to be the main focus of the entry. The point was made, that a lot of different types of families, and lifestyles, can be categorized as unnatural, and this is true. Today, I would like to touch on some of those points, and the consequences, they bring with them. And hopefully, bring some clarity, to what, I wasn't able to explain, as thoroughly, as I wanted to in the initial post, because of time constraints.
This is topic, that I cannot fully explain, without the biblical perspective. Let’s begin with marriages. I received a CNN video interview link, that just happened to be an interesting topic, and somewhat spiritual, in nature. The individual, the CNN correspondent was interviewing, is David Tyree, former NFL player, for the New York Giants.
He made a controversial statement, about what he believes, would be the outcome, if same-sex marriages were to be legalized. (This is a post from my 2015 archives, which have been closed off in my navigation, but I decided to bring it back, because it is as relevant today in 2020, as it was then.) The 7 Places Yeshua Shed His BloodThe blood that He shed on Calvary, broke the curses of poverty and lack, healed infirmities, sickness, and diseases. It released us from the yokes of bondage and strongholds. The Blood, He shed, conquered Death, Hell, and the grave. Took the sting out of it, took the victory away from it! It set those that were in captivity, free. The Blood that was shed released power and life, and it never lost it's power. It gave us back our dominion and authority. His suffering gave us victory and a peace that surpasses all understanding.
In this divinely appointed season God is giving us the ability, insight, knowledge and wisdom to become wise master builders. It is a season of birthing and building, but we have to be careful who we build with! Some are stealing bricks, and building elsewhere. Some ppl were just scaffolding and we’re trying to make them a permanent fixture. #Reassess and #reevaluate your circle! In this season it’s a must! Everyone can’t come with you, AND not everyone desires too. And, quietly as it’s kept, they don’t want you to progress or move forward either. Drop every weight that will easily beset you!
I said in a previous post that #2018 will be a year of #building and # birthing. God is going to give us the wisdom, knowledge, strategies, and methodologies to become #wisemasterbuilders. Whenever #YHWH gives you an assignment or vision to carry out or birth.. it will ALWAYS be met with #opposition. We’ve got to #master those challenges. The first challenge we must overcome is #CONTRADICTION!
The Order Of Things for Revival and (Unfortunately) Disaster PART I
About 18 months ago, I began crying, and it continued for several weeks. I couldn’t stop. I woke up every morning, burdened and heavy. I would sit in solitude in my Talit, and pray. I knew and understood, why it was happening. It was because the Holy Spirit was grieved and Jesus, Himself, as He was making intercession for us, was crying as well. He was lamenting over the spiritual condition of the nations, and mankind. He was also weeping, because the time was nearing, that He must move from the Seat of Mercy, to Seat of Judgement. The Spirit began to burden His apostles, prophets, intercessors, pastors, and evangelists, to pray incessantly, for repentance. He impressed upon us to pray for the lost, the backslidden, the lukewarm, and the Body of Christ, as a whole, to come to repentance. It was INTENSE, to say the LEAST. Photos Courtesy of Getty Image During the last three hours of Jesus' death, on the Cross of Calvary, darkness covered the whole land. This would have been from noon until 3 p.m. The sun was eclipsed, fulfilling Isaiah's prophecy, that He would be crucified between two evenings. This was the custom in killing a sacrificial lamb, at Passover, according to Exodus 12:6 Jesus was our Passover lamb, and He was slain, in accordance to the Law. He was crucified on the 14th day of Nisan which is Passover, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread began, and He was resurrected on the Feast of Firstfruits, fulfilling, all three of these Feasts, Himself. Matthew 24:45, Luke 23:44-45, and Mark 15:33 all read "Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour." Solar eclipses are signs or harbingers, to the Gentiles. A harbinger, being a thing (or person) that announces or signals the approach of another. It is a forewarning, and a heralding. Lunar eclipses are harbingers to the Jews. Jesus, said this, in Luke 21 7:25-36 concerning, what would be going on in the world, before He returns, "There will be signs, in the sun, moon and stars. We've certainly seen them. From April 2014 to September 2015, we witnessed, four consecutive blood moons, which all occurred on Feast Days. There were also six full moon, in between, the blood moons. April 15, 2014 -Passover October 8, 2014- Feast of Tabernacles April 4, 2015-Passover September 28, 2015-Feast of Tabernacles These preceded, the ushering in, of the Year of Jubilee 5776. It was actually a Double Jubilee, because it was the 70th Jubilee, since the days of Joshua, when he, Caleb, and the children of Israel, entered Canaan. And now here we are, in the year of 5777- 5 symbolizing His grace, and 777 symbolizing triple completion. Triple fulfillment. Wow! This is not astrology. This is astronomy. The same watchfulness of the heavens, that led the Magi to Jesus, at His birth. They were the descendants of Seth, the righteous third son of Adam and the guardians of an old prophecy, that a star of unparalleled brightness, would appear and herald the birth of God in human form. They had a prophecy, a timetable, and a sign to watch for. And when they saw His star in the Heavens they struck out to find Him. Isn't it funny, that Kings from the East, came asking for Him, and King Herod and his court, along with most of the people, in Bethlehem, couldn't have cared less where He was, and weren't even looking for Him? Interestingly, enough, there is said to be, an account of this, written by the Magi, themselves. It is purported to have been recently translated, into English, and the manuscript is said to be housed, at the Vatican library. (As are many other ancient texts, that they keep hush-hush about, and under lock and key.) Nevertheless, we have the account ourselves, in the inerrant, infallible, Word of God, and that's more than, sufficient for me. Not much has changed. Most of us aren't looking for Him, and could care less about His "coming". In fact, they cared more about those solar eclipse glasses, they needed for their eyes, than they do, about their own souls. Yep. I said it. Because, I see it. And you see it, too. They couldn't see the revelation of a spiritual mystery in it. And there are all kinds of blogs, and magazine articles, that say those of us, who feel the way we do, about it, and are saying what we're saying, have a few screws loose. But, there were those in Jesus' time, that said he did works by the spirit of Beelzebub, too. You know, the prince of demons, the lord of the flies? Listen. Jesus gave us a step-by-step, synopsis, of what would occur, before His second coming. He told us what to watch for. He gave us prophecies and warnings. He told us to stay dressed and ready with our lamps lit. He also said, if a servant says that, "his master delays his coming, that the master shall come on a day, he does not expect, an in an hour, he is not aware of." When will He come? I do not know. Jesus does not for certain either. Only the Father knows. However, we do know the times and the season. We know what precedes it, and we know to watch for. Wouldn't you agree? Take a look at some of the spiritual and scientific facts, associated with Solar Eclipse 5777. |
A Trumpet in Zion. God's Mouthpiece.What is the Lord saying in this season and hour? He who hath an ear let him hear! Archives
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