The Order Of Things for Revival and (Unfortunately) Disaster PART I About 18 months ago, I began crying, and it continued for several weeks. I couldn’t stop. I woke up every morning, burdened and heavy. I would sit in solitude in my Talit, and pray. I knew and understood, why it was happening. It was because the Holy Spirit was grieved and Jesus, Himself, as He was making intercession for us, was crying as well. He was lamenting over the spiritual condition of the nations, and mankind. He was also weeping, because the time was nearing, that He must move from the Seat of Mercy, to Seat of Judgement. The Spirit began to burden His apostles, prophets, intercessors, pastors, and evangelists, to pray incessantly, for repentance. He impressed upon us to pray for the lost, the backslidden, the lukewarm, and the Body of Christ, as a whole, to come to repentance. It was INTENSE, to say the LEAST. After about 6 weeks of it, I begin to pray for a reprieve, and an easing of the burden, because I was at the point of barely being able to function in my daily life. I would cry and pray all day, and be given dreams at night, and warning and instructions to write down. All of us were dreaming and seeing visions of things to come. 80% of them weren’t good. Some, I was told to declare and release right away, others were to be given at a time He specified. So, I began telling our congregation and my followers on social media. I didn’t have a lot of followers at the time and I still don’t (just under 200 on the birdacct) but I did, as I was instructed. Some people unfollowed me, and there were others in “real life” who I could tell, wished I would just shut up, and stop saying the same thing over and over, again. But, I couldn’t. Every other week, I would have a new list of warnings. Many of them were coming to pass within 24 hours, after the word was released. For example, I warned of listeria and ecoli contaminated food items, being found in products, and 24 hours later, there was a recall of several different types of food products. The same happened with ecoli contaminated pork products. This is just one example. The reprieve didn’t come immediately, but it did come, about a month after I'd prayed about it. One morning, in March 2016, I woke up, and there was no heavy feeling or crying. I felt lighter, spiritually and emotionally. I asked the Lord, about it, and He said “wipe your eyes, dry your tears, I have wept over the nations. America does not want Me. They do not want my Righteousness, My Laws or My Statutes. Utter destruction shall find her, and they too, shall weep.” And although, I ceased to cry for a while, my intercessory team and I, have continued to pray for all nations and leaders, and we will continue to pray against the spirit of chaos, calamity, and destruction. But now, the tears are back. Like they never went away. And I’m being commanded and compelled, to sound the alarm, and blow the shofar, like never before! So, I have compiled a list below, of some of the things, that the Spirit of the Living God, has given me to proclaim. Take from them what you will. Ask Him to give you insight, as to what they mean for you, and to give you instructions, as to what He would have you to do. Ask Him for wisdom not to overreact, and the wisdom not to under estimate, either. REVIVAL Just as the country is preparing for the coming catastrophes, HEAVEN is preparing for TRUE REVIVAL. There is a remnant of believers rising, who's purpose is to reap a harvest, through their evangelizing. These are the new breed and the young gunners, who desire to see the glory of God restored, and power of God, be made manifest. These are an amazing group of glory carriers. They walk in power, authority, wisdom, and revelation. They will appear radical to some, because they/we will not settle for the status quo. Many of them are young in years, but have such love and respect for their elders and those who have come before them. They desire their input, wisdom, and insight, earnestly. They truly understand that it's going to take all of us working together, to do what God has called us to do. They will partner with their angelic helpers to reap a mighty harvest, such as the world has never seen before. There are angels who have a map of preparation for REVIVAL in North America. The map is divided into 5 sections, and the revival is set to come in 5 waves. As the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west, as the lightning shines in the east, and is seen in the west, so shall this be! REVIVAL shall go from EAST TO WEST. ECONOMY However, ECONOMIC COLLAPSE will go from WEST TO EAST. From Maine to Florida (NORTHEAST to fully SOUTHEAST) They will feel the hardest of the economic collapse. Charlotte has the 2nd largest banking institution, in the country. Bank of America, Wachovia, CitiBank, and American Express are there. They will feel the greatest impact of job loss. New York is number one. The New York Stock Exchange is there. Close to 600,00 jobs will be lost, just from the banking industry collapse, alone. For them, it will be a recession-inside-of-a-recession, but they will experience the least amount, of natural disasters. If your economic security or nest-egg, is predominantly, a 401K, it may be time to start buying gold, silver, and Bitcoin. Gold and silver always retain their value and have stood the test of time, from the beginning of time. You can always barter or trade with it. Research Bitcoin, if you haven't already, but in short. it is a currency, that was created in 2009, and has really taken off. Transactions are made with no middle man, or banks. There will also be many jobs lost to the “rise of the machine.” Artificial Intelligence (AI), robots, and automation will heavily continue to influence the unemployment rates. Many factory and production jobs will be lost, for this reason. I know this is already happening to some degree, but I’m talking about in ways, we haven’t seen before. Jobs that you thought, only a human being could do, will be replaced by androids and robots. The military and police force, will become comprised of them as well. On some real life robo-cop-type-stuff. I know it may sound funny, but really it’s no laughing matter. They rolled out a robotic police force in Dubai, earlier this year. And of course, there is DARPA and our military's, Super Soldier Program. Uber rolled out its fleet of self-driving cars last year, and there are, many other companies, looking for new ways, to incorporate AI into the every day running of their businesses. NATURAL DISASTERS, DISEASE, and WAR There is a major drought coming to the MIDWEST. The middle of the country is going to burn, literally and metaphorically. Crops and livestock will be lost. Everyone in that area should stock up on, and stockpile water. The west coast will experience many natural disasters in the form of flooding, fires, earthquakes, and hurricanes. God said He would not only shake the heavens, but the earth, so that on the UNSHAKEABLE remains. There will be FOREIGN TROOPS on the ground, in AMERICA. War is coming to this land. Civil war and World War. The same way you’ve seen, civilians affected by the atrocities of war, on their doorsteps and in their backyards, in foreign countries, we will experience it, here too. It is coming to our shores. Our government and military knows this, and they have been making preparations to handle the body count. This why our military has been stockpiling ammunition and transporting coffins. Unfortunately, many lives will be lost. "When the Lamb opened the second seal, (war) I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword." Rev. 6:3-4 LETHAL VIRUSES (multiple ones) are going to be released in the land. And no, I’m not making a mistake by saying, (“they will be released"). That’s exactly what I mean. Those who know me, know what I’m talking about. Do you remember the ebola scare a couple of years ago, that had everyone worried and scared, and then it just went away, and you didn’t hear anything more about it? It was a beta-test. The purpose was to track how quickly it would spread and how fast it could be contained. It’ll be back.There will be much biochemical warfare. There will also be diseases that emerge from PESTILENCE. "And I looked and saw a horse whose color was pale green. Its rider was named Death, and his companion was the Grave. These two were given authority over one-fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword and famine and disease and wild animals." Rev. 6:8 We will be at war with three other countries, simultaneously. There will be military policing, martial law, and civil unrest. Gun ownership will become difficult, because they don’t want the populace to have a way to defend or protect themselves. If you do not already own a firearm(s), you need to get on it. Seriously. YOU NEED TO PLAN FOR YOUR PROTECTION I would suggest, as it was suggested, to me, to start with the kind of weaponry, that will REALLY STOP SOMEONE from coming into your home. Good choices are 12 Gauge pump shotgun, Colt AR15 (Assault Rifle) and Remington 870. If you choose an automatic weapon choose 45 Colt only. For a revolver, you can buy any type other than a Smith-Wesson in a .357 calibur. No .38s or 9mm, unless you already have plenty of ammo for these, or plan to get some, sooner, rather than later. They will stop selling ammo for these types, first, because they have a large number of registered users, for these weapons. In other words, they know who owns them, and how many own them. You will also need something for hunting, because food will become scarce, and you will want to stay off grid. For that, you want a .30-06, 30/30, or a .22 automatic for small game. These are weapons that are tried and true, and have a low percentage of jamming and such. I struggled with putting the weaponry information in this post, because I know sometimes the "religious" types like to nit-pick things like this. But I prayed about it, and the Holy Spirit said "say what I told you to say." Yes. I love the Lord, and I believe, what the Word says, "As much as is possible, live peaceably with all men." But, these won't be peaceful times and you won't find many peaceable people. When it comes down to my life and the lives of my family members, we want to live to fight another day, if it comes to that. If someone tries to come into our home, we won't make it a cakewalk, for them. During all of the chaos, confusion and calamity, many people will “go missing.” It will be just like in the days of Auschwitz. They will go into centers, set up to help them, but they will find, just the opposite. This is why I stated, you’ll want to stay off the grid. The LURE will be FOOD, MEDICINE, and SHELTER. I suggest you start to start stockpiling food, if you haven’t already. You need dehydrated food, such as MREs, canned food, and water. You can find MREs on Amazon. I would suggest at least 3 months supply, for 3 times a day, for every member of your family. If you have the storage space and resources, 6 months to a year, would be ideal. Right now in places like Puerto Rico, since Hurricane Maria, people are dying. Other groups are killing each other, for food and basic necessities. In times of crisis and distress, anything goes for the average person, to survive. It’s not ideal to keep your storage at the same place you live, because this will be the first place they look. My suggestion is that it need to be offsite and in the ground, of course, in waterproof containers. But, you must figure out what’s best for you. Your family should work together, plan together, and communicate with each other about the “what-if”’ scenarios. The hardest thing to do is to try to plan when your smack dab in the middle of a crisis. You will also need medical supplies. This would include the normal things, that would fit the definition of supplies, bandages, tape, alcohol, etc. And, as many ANTIBIOTICS and medicines, including pain medication, as you can come by. If you’re injured, become sick, or, if you take medicine on a daily basis, this is something you need to start thinking about, now. You may not have access to a hospital, emergency room, or pharmacy. Don't forget other practical and (what may seem like) outdated items. Flashlights, batteries, candles, battery operated radios, walkie-talkies, respirators etc. We all know by now, that one of the biggest threats from other countries is them hitting us with an EMP. It would cripple us, and that is the goal. You have to be prepared to make it without electricity. I know that this is a lot, and it may be hard to hear. It’s hard for me to type. And, I’ve tried to avoid it, for as long as I could. But my job is to watch and warn. I’m just doing what I’ve been charged to do. Even though, these will be strange, perilous, and scary times, for some, but,, for those of us, who know Jesus as our Savior, and trust in our Father, it is an exciting time to be alive! I sincerely, believe, that we are the generation who will see His return. We trust that all things work together for the good, of those who love Him, and are called according to His purpose. These days will bring many to salvation and repentance. He who hath an ear, let him hear. This is not all, but it is enough for now. Continue to pray, remain vigilant, and be encouragers of one another. God loves you and so do I. -Prophet Grimes Video below, of San Juan mayor, pleading for help, after Hurricane Maria's devastating affect, on Puerto Rico.
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